The Team Nomination is used by Fixtures to
place the team in the most appropriate division, so please ensure it is
completed in full.
Team numbers are capped. Acceptance
of teams to the competition is at the discretion of the Fixtures.
Nominations accepted in the
order they are received. Min of 7 players must be listed for the nomination to
be accepted.
Representative teams will NOT
be accepted, even if playing under an alternative name.
Teams MUST advise their
club that they have nominated.
Please use the same club,
team number and name (if applicable) as used for the Saturday Competition, even
if players are not exactly the same.
· Teams must nominate in their correct age group. Fixtures may decide to move teams to an older / younger age group in the interests of a balanced competition. Mixed
age teams will participate in the age group of the oldest player. Nb. Individual
players can only play up 1 age group.
12yrs and Inters Teams must
nominate a recommended division where the team will be competitive. Nb. The
divisions may have a wider spread of abilities as less teams than in the Saturday
Competition. Please take this into account when nominating a division. Contact
your club if you need guidance.
Eg. – Guide Only
Saturday Div 1 = Tropical
Tuesday Div 1
Saturday Div 2 = Tropical
Tuesday Div 1 or 2
Saturday Div 3 and 4
= Tropical Tuesday Div 2 or 3
Saturday Div 5 = Tropical Tuesday Div 4
Fixtures will
confirm acceptance of the team nominations via email to the Team Contact on 5 September.